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Into The Grüne

I dreamt it. A gigantic green tusker, peering in almost indifferently through the upper window of a dowdy cottage. It was an impossible lush green, the kind that gleams off a leaf on a cold dewy morning.

Its eyes met mine and we stood in silence, each appraising the other. It was only for a few seconds, but in that moment its ancient green eyes mirrored a lifetime of opportunity. When it finally broke its gaze and ambled on, I stood entranced, marveling at its unnaturally smooth skin, supple and undulating like a green valley in spring. As I watched from under the eave, it disappeared as gracefully as it had arrived, camouflaged in a field of grass that stretched as far as the horizon.

It was time to wake up.

Grüne Elefant Art was founded in 2015 to serve as a nexus between upcoming artists and art connoisseurs around the world. For me personally, the green elephant symbolized not just rare and beautiful art, but also tremendous potential waiting to be unlocked.

It is our endeavour at Grüne Elefant to unlock this potential, and promote art in its purest form. Our gallery comprises carefully selected artwork that is representative of some of the finest talent of our time.

Having said that, art is timeless as it is immortal. And it is our fortune as humankind, to be able to experience and cherish these few moments of immortality.

Mark D’Cruz